


  • SizeX (integer): number of cells in X

  • SizeY (integer): number of cells in Y

  • SizeCell (float): cell size (can be seen in SM_CrossPipe)

  • CurrentShapeCells (S_PathCell): the structure contains information about which cell the figure is in and what is its rotation angle (for setting up Editor Utility Widget)

  • WinStateCells (S_PathCell): the structure contains information on how to change CurrentShapeCells to solve the puzzle (for setting up Editor Utility Widget)

  • bRandomizeAllCells (bool): set random shapes with random state in each cell

  • bRandomizeStateCells (bool): randomly rotates all shapes except the empty, start, end and cross (to update the state of the cells in the viewport, you need to move the puzzle)


  • WinSound (Base Sound): puzzle solving sound


  • bDebug (bool): shows cell indices

Last updated