
  • Lock inherited from BP_CoreBinaryLock.

  • The number of buttons has been changed (30 pieces).

For locks with LCD display, you should not use the number of buttons (bits) more than 31, see here why.

  • Added static mesh component (SM_LCDPanelLarge). There are 10 materials in this grid that show the number that is currently entered.

  • Redefined function CreateDynamicMaterialsForDigits which creates and stores links to dynamic materials for changing numbers, the function is called on BeginPlay.

For the CreateDynamicMaterialsForDigits function to work, it is important to specify the material indices in which the numbers are displayed.

This is indicated in the variables:

  • FirstIndexDigitMat (integet): in this case 2

  • LastIndexDigitMat (integet): in this case 11

Each digit can be assigned a material with any color

Maximum number for a correct password

from 0 to 1073741823

Last updated